A Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) victim‘s chance of survival decreases by 7-10% every minute without defibrillation. Ten members of the congregation have completed the American Heart Association CPR and AED Training. We try to have practice sessions throughout the year. The AED is located within the side hall, next to our AED supplies and office. In case of an emergency, anyone can help a victim. The AED is simple to use; has pictures and voice prompts for even a layperson.
If you have your CPR and AED certification or have interest, please contact Susan Gunn, AED Coordinator: 716-832-9764, or email: stpeterseggertsvilleny@gmail.com.
Flu Clinic
Each Fall a Flu/Pneumonia clinic is offered to church members and our community. Watch for sign postings and Bulletin notifications.
Health-related Programs may be presented via Zoom, or in-person to our congregation. If you have any ideas to share or program offerings to suggest, contact Linda Pike or Carolyn Bongi-Wellness Team Coordinators
Call 716-832-9764 or email stpeterseggertsvilleny@gmail.com