I am extremely happy to let you know that the Moises family that we have helped since 2018, have managed to buy a home in Lackawanna, NY and are currently living there. It’s a good news story of the positive outcomes of immigration and the love of strangers that assist and enable these wonderful outcomes.
The Moise family’s father, Bartolome, has been working since their arrival, and the two older boys (Mikaele and Jon) have been contributing wages as well. Mother Deborah has also been babysitting neighborhood infants along the way. Together, they have managed to elevate to a higher level of freedom, self-sufficiency, and educational opportunities.
Thanks to all of you in the St. Peter’s community who have supported them in many ways these last 5-6 years. Special thanks go out to retired Deacon Joanne Coury Frake who got the whole thing rolling with her after-school mentoring program.
Deacon Tom visited the new homeowners on Holy Saturday with a little housewarming gift from St. Peters. Here are two pictures.
God is good!
Deacon Tom

Post Note: The eldest Moise son, Mikaele is working, goes to school part-time, and has married. They are expecting a baby of their own soon.